The Warm Milk Journal

A nurturing place for people who can't sleep

Let’s Give Ourselves Permission To Just BE: DO NOTHING

Sometimes I feel like a freight train going hundreds of miles an hour….job, family, martial arts, working out, personal goals, financial goals, relationships, spiritual growth- —All of it is wonderful. Sometimes though, I just want and need to just BE. Just exist. DO NOTHING. Do you ever feel this way? I think modern society has trained us to think that if we are not going, achieving, multi-tasking every moment of our day- we are somehow slipping up in some way.

I think it is okay to give ourselves permission to just decompress, unwind, and recharge on a regular basis. It’s all about balance. We will have much more to give to our employer, family, partners, students (if you are a teacher like me), our dreams and goals, if we will just take some time to DO NOTHING. Yes, I will say it again: DO NOTHING

This is my idea of doing nothing (I am sure you can come up with a list of your own):

  1. Take a catnap
  2. Browse a women’s magazine (pure mindless pleasure and joy. I love browsing the recipes, latest diet tips, etc)
  3. Sitting and meditating. Meditate on NOTHING. Don’t try to do a particular mantra. Just BE
  4. Catch up on Facebook or surf the web
  5. Watch a movie
  6. Watch TV
  7. Read fiction
  8. Read poetry
  9. Go for a walk or bike ride
  10. Just lie down and daydream
  11. Sit on the couch and day dream
  12. Look out the window and day dream
  13. Pet the cat and daydream
  14. Pet the dog and daydream
  15. Nurse the baby and da dream
  16. Masturbate and daydream
  17. Just chill

When we resurface from these down mode activities we will be ready to embrace all of the responsibilities, possibilities, and excitement our lives have in store for us. But we will take these things in our lives on OUR TERMS. Meaning, at our ease. Not dis-ease. Why be in a hurry? Why be rushed? Why stress? Why put so much pressure on ourselves all the time? All good things will happen in the right time. There is no need to get frenetic and harried. That kind of energy will only contribute to nervousness, panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia.

Here, at The Warm Milk Journal, we give you permission to just BE. DO NOTHING. Be at your ease…….How does that feel?

Debra : )

May 6, 2010 Posted by | anxiety, Self-empowerment | , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment