The Warm Milk Journal

A nurturing place for people who can't sleep

“Throw off yesterday as a snake sheds its skin”- Joseph Campbell

Regret. Worry. Mistakes. Woulda Coulda Shoulda…. this is the stuff of angst filled days and sleepless nights.

For years I did this to myself. It is not a good place to be in.

Here are four things to focus on:

1. Be in the present (there are lot’s of good books out there on this subject such as Eckart Tolle’s Power of Now).

2. Practice acceptance and just let it go. Surrender. Sometimes “letting go and letting God” is the best  thing to do for our peace of mind especially if it is circumstances that are beyond our control.

3. Practice forgiveness. Forgive yourself, Forgive your parents, Forgive exes. Forgive politicians.  Forgive former employers. Forgive bullies from our childhood. We are all doing the best we can at the time with what we have. Let it go. The past need no longer hurt us if we no longer give it any power.

4. Practice appreciation for all the blessings we have now. What we appreciate appreciates.

April 8, 2010 Posted by | Spirituality, Uncategorized | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Write three letters: of appreciation, apologizing, and forgiveness

If you are up late and can not sleep, here is something that you can do that will improve the quality of the relationships in your life.

I started this practice one year at Yom Kippur time which is a Jewish Holiday in the Fall during the high holy days. Yom Kippur is called the day of atonement. It is a day that we are supposed to fast and reflect on the past year. If there is anyone that you feel you need to apologize to or forgive, now is the time to do it.

We don’t need to be Jewish or have a special holiday to do this. First, think of someone you think you have wronged and write a sincere letter of apology to them. Second, think of somone in your life whom perhaps you feel you have taken for granted and write a letter of appreciation to that person. Third, think of someone who you think has wronged you and write a letter of forgiveness to that person.

There. Three letters. Whether you send them or not is up to you. They could be in the form of an email but there is something satisfying about writing the old fashioned way by hand. If you are courageous enough to send them know that wonderful things will come back to you. Give it a try. This is one practice you won’t regret.

April 6, 2010 Posted by | Spirituality | , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Practice Forgiveness

“Man should forget his anger before he lies down to sleep.” -Mohandas Gandhi

Are you angry? Holding onto resentment? This kind of thinking and emotion can keep us from getting a restful night of sleep.

Practicing forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give yourself. It frees up so much energy: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

One way to forgive someone: Picture them as an innocent four year old child. Look at that little child in the eyes. Nurture and love that little child. Embrace them and let them go.

I did this a few years ago when I was so angry at our President. It was very healing to imagine him as an innocent little child just doing his best.

February 26, 2010 Posted by | Spirituality | , , | Leave a comment