The Warm Milk Journal

A nurturing place for people who can't sleep

Setting Ourselves A Deadline: A simple tip for de-stressing and getting better sleep

In today’s hectic world where we feel so electronically “plugged” in all the time with emails, texts, etc….it is easy to keep working past quitting time, at home, in the car, wherever we happen to be. Not officially turning ourselves off can be stressful and affect our sleep at night.

Try setting yourself a deadline where responsibilities from your office or job are done for the day. No more checking emails or making phone calls. You are DONE– you’re calling it a day. The time is up to you. It could be 5:00 pm or 8:00 pm. Just designate a time and then stick with it regularly. The pressure will lift. You will train your mind and body to know when it is quitting time and time to begin unwinding. Unwinding time: time for yourself, friends, family, couple time, glass of wine, bath, nice dinner, tv,  music, reading for pleasure, making love, and finally SLEEP. Ahhhh…..

(This post inspired by article in May 17, 2010 issue of Woman’s World entitled “Rejuvenate by setting a deadline!”, p. 26)

May 9, 2010 - Posted by | Tips to help insomnia | , , , ,

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